Open end wrench set (for use with puller set).Some auto parts stores will loan the tool sets. Power Steering Pulley Puller set (to remove and attach the pulley).More than 2 quarts if flushing the rack is desired. Two (2) quarts power steering fluid or appropriate ATF (to flush and fill).Power Steering pump (to replace defective pump).Before you start, gather the necessary equipment - you will not be able to use the car once you start the replacement! It is always a good idea to have a friend on call, or a second car available.
2) Remove the leaking pump - Instructable step 2 - Drain the Power Steering system - Instructable step 3 - Remove accessories from Power Steering system - Instructable step 4 - Remove the pulley and bolts - Instructable step 5 - Remove power steering pump 3) Install the new pump - Instructable step 6 - Place the new power steering pump - Instructable step 7 - Press on the power steering pump pulley - Instructable step 8 - Align the pulley and attach the belts - Instructable step 9 - Flush and fill the power steering system 4) Cleanup - Instructable step 10 - Cleanup You'll need some tools to complete this task. Here's the outline: 1) Gather the materials - Instructable step 1 - This includes tools, a new pump, fluids, etc. This instructable is designed into four main parts. Expect Total Time to Repair around 4 hours. The original pump lasted more than 300,000 miles. Using a standard pulley puller may make the pulley out of round - not a good thing! This paper outlines pump replacement on a 1987 Ford Thunderbird 3.8L V6. For example, do not attempt pump replacement without locating a power steering pump pulley puller.

The pump replacement is easy to do once a few tricks are recognized. Rebuilding will not be addressed in this instructable. So which to do? A replacement or a rebuild? In my opinion, the power steering pump should be viewed as a line replaceable unit. The power steering pump is a hardened pump, where the failure mode is normally fluid leakage around the gaskets and seals. Over the course of a vehicle lifetime, it will likely become necessary to replace or rebuild the power steering pump due to leakage. Gosh, how much is this going to cost? Well, expect $200+ if you take it to the shop. Another symptom is a "growling" sound from under the hood when turning the wheel. As you are walking up to the car, your son says, "Daddy! Look at all that water under the car!" - and it isn't water.

So you wake up one morning ready to drive the kids to school and head in to work.